The sizes of our doors and drawer fronts mirror IKEA’s sizing. Unlike some IKEA styles, our panels are 18mm thick, including cover panels and plinths (skirting boards).
Our cover panels are slightly larger than IKEA’s, as the cover panels IKEA offers sit slightly behind the finished face of the cabinet. Our preference is for cover panel edges to instead sit flush with that front face, hence the slightly larger size. The difference is a few millimetres only.
We also offer oversized cover panels for installations in which the walls or floors are unlikely to be square – which is the case in many older Australian homes. In these cases, scribing is required for a professional finish. Scribing is a technique used to fit joinery neatly to uneven walls and floors, and requires cutting panels on site to fit the application exactly, hence the larger sizes.
Our PAX doors are slightly longer than the IKEA sizing, so that the (in our view, unsightly) plinth is concealed. There is a 20mm gap between the bottom of the door and the floor.